Working with custom cabinetry and built-in furnishings allows us to hide clutter, save space and make memorable buildings. Here’s why we love it:
Pioneering Modernist: Luis Barragan
This post salutes Luis Barragan, an influential Mexican Modernist who dared to create an emotional architecture.
Building Materials: Concrete under our Feet
Concrete completely surrounds and supports modern life. Today, we salute it and share a bit of history in architecture.
Featuring Chicago: Marina City
Last week, Marina City, won preliminary landmark status. Eye candy snaps and historical snippets celebrate this great building of Chicago.
Eiffel Tower Engineering Stands the Test of Time
The tallest structure in the world for 31 years, the Eiffel Tower is a miracle of prefabrication and precision manufacturing. It opened 126 years ago today.
Chicago Building Types: Four Plus One Apartments
Four Plus One apartments might be the building type chicagoans most love to hate. Learn what makes them tick in our latest Chicago Building Type.
Pionering Modernist: Eileen Grey
To carry on with our post last week on the Importance of Recognizing Women in Architecture, and in honor of Women’s History Month, today we salute modernist designer Eileen Grey, one of my very favorite Modernists.
Embracing the Elements of Wabi-Sabi in Moss Design
We were discussing possible design elements with a client and their wishes seemed to match what we knew as wabi-sabi. So we thought we’d share what we know along with some new findings we’ve uncovered after more research.
Find Joy; Let Go What You Don’t Love
Start the New Year right. Find Joy in your life by letting go what you don’t love and loving what you keep.
Let it Go! Make this the Season of Giving, not Shopping
The holidays are one of America’s favorite times to go on a buying spree but instead we propose: Try giving to let things OUT of your life, rather than bringing them in.
Less is More: the Joy (and difficulty) of Minimalist Living
The problem of “stuff” is an American universal and no one is really in position to criticize. I’ve always had a lot of stuff; certainly I’ve had a lot more stuff than I need. I’ve dabbled in extreme minimalism while traveling over extended periods. Most recently, in 2012 I shook up my life by quitting […]
How We Operate: Finding Beauty in the (Honesty of) Reclaimed Building Materials
In the collage above are just a SMALL SAMPLE of our favorite uses of reclaimed wood in moss projects (from top left): Bowling Alley Bench, Begyle Tasting Room, Brew, Bar Pastoral, 2 Sparrows, and Erie Street Loft. Keep reading to see why and how we seek to use reclaimed wood products as often as possible. It is a truth pretty universally acknowledged […]