Yesterday was both the summer solstice and the Strawberry moon! Those two events – plus the weekend of sunny, muggy days – has kicked off Summer in Chicago. If you missed it don’t panic, today will be almost as long and the moon nearly as full tonight … and its going to be hot for a […]
Passive Cooling
Be Cool, Chicago: How to Handle Summer Heat
With the first real heat of 2015 upon us (its about time, July), here’s a refresher course in keeping your cool with minimal energy.
How Air Conditioning Works, When You Need It and When You Don’t
How Air Conditioning works in your home and how it came to be so pervasive. Find out more about this pervasive element of your summer life.
Beat the Heat WITHOUT AC: Passive Cooling and YOU
Now we remember what summer heat in Chicago feels like. To keep cool without overheating the environment, here are a few passive cooling ideas to consider.
Think Spring: Plant Shade Trees Now for a Cool Summer
Spring is the best time to plant young trees in your yard. Why and how to use shade trees to keep your home cool and cost effective.