Yesterday was both the summer solstice and the Strawberry moon! Those two events – plus the weekend of sunny, muggy days – has kicked off Summer in Chicago. If you missed it don’t panic, today will be almost as long and the moon nearly as full tonight … and its going to be hot for a […]
Daylight and Passive Solar Design for Remodeling and Adding onto Existing Buildings
How we incorporate Daylight and Passive Solar principles into all our existing building remodels … and why!
Be Cool, Chicago: How to Handle Summer Heat
With the first real heat of 2015 upon us (its about time, July), here’s a refresher course in keeping your cool with minimal energy.
Think Spring: Plant Shade Trees Now for a Cool Summer
Spring is the best time to plant young trees in your yard. Why and how to use shade trees to keep your home cool and cost effective.