We are reclaiming urban public space for people on PARK(ing) Day, Friday, September 16, 2011 from 9am to 5pm. The designed “PARK(ing) spaces”, metered parking spaces converted into temporary green parks, will be located in front of Southport Grocery, 3552 North Southport Avenue. The ‘park’ will feature a bicycle repair station, live music, and a lawn for dining and enjoying the day.
In 2009 and 2010, moss Design converted parking spaces into temporary public space, which will be expanded this year to highlight the need for bike infrastructure and open space in Lakeview. Earlier this year moss Design unveiled a sustainable master plan, prepared for the Lakeview Chamber of Commerce and SSA 27. Part of the plan was a call for more unique and accessible public open space. This year’s PARK(ing) Day theme is a “Bicycle Comfort Station” featuring free food, live music, bike parking and repair, and relaxation areas. Think of it as the mini-mart of the future.
With a higher percentage of street space currently allocated to vehicles and gas stations, and only a fraction allocated to the public realm, the bicycle comfort station is the biker’s non-gas, rest stop. moss Design will “lease” several parking spaces for the day and convert them into a bike and pedestrian friendly oasis. The oasis will be sponsored by Southport Grocery and SSA 27, complete with trees, shrubs, and grass, donated by Grand Street Gardens, Farmers Market Garden Supply, Lake Street Landscape Supply, and a mobile food installation by Truck Farm Chicago. Bike repair will be donated by Pedal to the People. Live music performances by Josh Rosen, Carpetbaggers Local 606, Adam Fallon, and Ashley Andersen.
The concept of PARK(ing) Day is based on the idea that putting money into a parking meter one is “renting” urban public space. The range of possibilities for the short-term lease of the metered parking space is limitless. Our thought is, what if, tomorrow, there were no more cars on the road; what would we imagine the street to be? This sparked our imagination, and being active bikers and stewards of the environment, the goal was to create a useable, temporary park; a park that bikers riding along the Southport bike lane could turn into, refuel, and relax.
See our treatise on parking here and Chicago’s parking meter deal here.