Another piece of the design world that needs better exploration is the food system. Outside influences have contributed to the dereliction of our food delivery system, probably best explained here and here. However, how to fix that system is oft described as a repair of the metaphorical link between people and their food. My common frustration is the lack of design intervention in the conversation. There is no reason why everything we build, inhabit, etc does not have an edible component.
This goes in line with the idea that buildings should be like a tree, as they should giveth more than they taketh. See what cape-wearing-architect Bill McDonough has to say on the subject here.
The triangle (farmer > supplier > consumer) of food has become more like an hexagon (farmer > warehouse > scientist > marketer > packager > consumer) which delivers substances that fall a little short of food. There are too many cogs in the food wheel that make it difficult for the normal farmer to produce something that is edible directly from the ground.
I intend to introduce design ideas, both past, present, and future that put us in better touch with that land where we grow our food. There is no reason purchasing power should get in the way of real, clean food.